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Tudo o que fazemos causa um impacto.
Por qual impacto você quer ser lembrado?

Como reflexo das escolhas que fizemos no passado, estamos perdendo em ritmo acelerado nossas florestas, nossos rios, mares, e animais. Nem o ar, nem a água são os mesmos. As desigualdades aumentam e nossos solos estão cada vez mais pobres em nutrientes.
Vivemos um momento limiar da história e para o que nosso planeta tenha uma chance é preciso fazer muito mais do que parar de destruílo, é preciso reconstruir nossas florestas, recuperar nossos acossitemas e restaurar a nossa relação com a natureza.
No Muda nós acreditamos que, apesar do pouco tempo que nos resta para agir, as tecnologias hoje disponíveis podem ser nossas grandes aliadas nessa corrida, trazendo novas técnicas e mobilizando multidões para a transformação. É tempo de ação coletiva, de unir criatividade, inovação e tecnologia para mudar o rumo da nossa história.

Nossa Equipe

Ironildes da Conceição


Like a mother to the entire team and a lover of plants and animals at the Refuge, “Irá” is responsible for the nursery and monitoring our seedlings in the nursery. She knows the area like nobody else and helps us to identify new species of plants and animals that roam around.

Josenilson de Jesus


Responsible for all maintenance and care of the Refuge, “Genilson” helps us every time something gets in our way. In addition to assisting us with the operation,he is responsible for supplying, taking care of the equipment, transporting our team and inspecting our area.

Marco Antonio

Gerente de operações

“Marcão” Graduated from the Federal Agrotechnical School of Catu and is responsible for managing our entire operational part. He leads our entire team in the field which helps us with the purchase and transport of seedlings and supplies for cultivation, along with all the technical support in monitoring the forest.



Responsável pelas nossas mudas, pelo plantio e acompanhamento de todas as árvores que plantamos, Rogério cresceu pertinho da Mata-Atlântica e tem um conhecimento único sobre a floresta. É ele quem nos ensina todos os dias sobre as árvores nativas e todos os animais que vivem por ali, além de nos fornecer diariamente relatórios sobre o desenvolvimento da nossa floresta.

Annelise Garcia Lani


A Law graduate from the Federal University of Viçosa, “Anne” has always believed that technology and human development are the great forces for the establishment of new relations between humans and nature. Responsible for managing the people and the projects at Muda O Presente, she finds it a realization of a dream to participate in a project that combines business with environmental preservation.

Giovanna Thomas

Assistente de Projeto

Giovanna é Relações Públicas. Atua na produção de comunicação integrada para marcas e projetos. Tem estudos envolvidos no campo da Comunicação Não-Violenta como perspectiva para a educação e construção de diálogos empáticos. Acredita na comunicação para transformar o mundo, conectando pontos e modificando realidades.

Technical Board

João Luiz Lani

Professor Lani is from Espírito Santo, Brasil, and acts as a specialist in soil usage planning and environment. Professor at the Soil Department at the Federal University of Viçosa. PhD at Organic Farming at Wageningen University (Netherlands). Lawyer and consultant in several agronomic and environmental areas.

Cláudia Magalhães

Claudia was born in Bahia, Brazil. She is an Urbanist, who specializes in the housing finance sector. Graduated with a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD, in the same area, from the University of São Paulo. She worked as a consultant to the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Institute of Economic Research Foundation (Fipe) and the Brazilian Chamber for the Construction Industry (CBIC). Being a board member of the Santa Fé Welfare Association, she dreams of a fairer and more sustainable world.

Maria Beatriz Mello

Bia é baiana, advogada e atuante na área de energias renováveis e mudanças climáticas há mais de 14 anos. É forte praticante e apoiadora do uso sustentável do meio ambiente. s à preservação ambiental.

Ney Maron

Ney is a civil engineer and lawyer from Salvador, Bahia. Works in the sustainability area, which is his passion. He has worked in the sector of renewables for the past 15 years and is currently seeking to reconcile family tradition and sustainability by cultivating cocoa in CABRUCA.

Eugenio Dupin

Dupin was born in Pirapora, Minas Gerais, graduated in accounting science, and has a postgraduate degree in financial management. In his professional journey, he has worked in the financial, controllership, and Human Resources areas of companies in the financial, insurance, and industrial sectors. Currently he is the Controller of Grupo Empresarial Salus.

Paulo Antonio Ribeiro

Paulo lives in Brasília, was born in Goiás and Bahia by choice, and has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Bahia. He has a professional background in the areas of operations, credit, controllership, and accounting. He is enthusiastic about cooperativism and is currently the Superintendent of Credit and Exchange at Centro Corporativo do Sicoob (National Cooperative Credit System).

Virgínia Sodré

Virginia is a civil engineer born in Natal, Brazil. She has worked for over 22 years in national and multinational companies in the Water and Effluents sector, has a Master's Degree in Hydraulics and Sanitation from USP – EESC, with an International Executive MBA from FIA, and is passionate about projects involving water conservation and the environment. She is an advisor to GBC Brasil, an American NGO that promotes sustainable construction in Brazil. Speaker at national and international events and professor in postgraduate courses (MBA's with an emphasis on water conservation).


Lucas Araripe


Lucas was born in Ceará, Brazil, is a bachelor in Business Administration at Insper University, with a specialization in Bocconi University in Italy. He is the executive director at Casa dos Ventos, where he acts in the project development area, structuring of businesses, and corporate communication. In addition, he is also an enthusiast in the formation of a more sustainable world through the generation of renewable energy with initiatives of great social impact.

Guilherme Eloy


Guilherme Eloy is a student, is completing his third year of high school and is preparing to enter the University starting next year. His attention is still divided between Administration and Journalism. But he doesn't rule out turning his career in another direction. He is a sports lover, a regular practitioner of martial arts, and an enthusiast of actions in favor of nature's recovery.

Clécio Eloy


Clécio was born in Tanquinho, Bahia in Brazil, and has work experience in the areas of Finance and Human Resources. He is currently the Director of Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis S.A. A master in Business Administration from the Federal University of Bahia, Clécio is also an enthusiast of fruit cultivation in the Chapada Diamantina.


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